Submit your 15 second video stating how long you have been buying your coffee beans from Heavenly Coffees and why do you keep on coming back for more.

Send your video on whatsapp to 0126532923 (Yes you can whatsapp to this number)

Lucky Draw:

All submisions will go into a lucky draw and we will draw 3 winners.

1st Prize - A voucher for 12x1kg's of coffee

2nd Prize - A voucher for 6 x1 kg of coffee beans

3rd Prize - 2x 1kg coffee beans

Best Overall Video:

The Video that has the best testimonial of Heavenly Coffees will win a coffee tasting experience for a max of 8 people or a Home Barista Course to the value of R950 as well as 2 coffee gift packs with 6 bags of coffee each. One Gift box has all our blends and the other all our single origins. 

 Rules and conditions:

1. Entries close on 30 November
2. By submitting your video you automatically give us permission to use the video on social media and other forms of advertising without further permission or compensation
3. Lucky draws are done by using a random number selection app.
4. The judge's decsison will be final and no discussion will be entered into.
5. No profanity, nudity or othe inappropriate content will be accepted. 6. Prizes cannot be exchanged or paid out in cash.


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